This branch of the Cooper family lived in Blackburn,
Lancashire from at
least 1800 and perhaps even earlier. Y-DNA evidence suggests an
North African or Iberian
origin. One possible source may be one of the Asturian Roman
Auxilliaries posted to the
Ribchester/Bremetenacum fort in northern Britain during the second
century AD.
The 18th century Coopers were probably agricultural labourers but
by he early 19th century
Coopers were working in iron-founding and steam-engine building.
This was followed by two
generations working in cotton-weaving from the industry's peak in
Blackburn during the
latter half of the 19th-century through to its decline in the town
in the 1960's.
There have been a number of Cooper emigrations to the United
States and Canada over the
years. The first known was in 1913 but again after WW1; after WW2,
and again in more
recent times.
Cooper Y-DNA project (ysearch)
Cooper mt-DNA project (mitosearch)
E-mail address: martynpickup (at)
This data was updated on Wednesday 26 January 2005
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